Standing the Test of Time
This first step of my NetPlusUltra® concept demonstration path regroups, in one single module, and in the form of an anamnesis, all relevant information pertaining to the multiple space-time contexts through which I elaborated my web franchising solution.
- My reality
- Augmented
JOURNEY. After the indispensable "Foreword", where you will find an overview of the latest changes brought to the present website since the initial version of 2013, this first blog opens the guided tour with a brief presentation of the successive space-times which define each of my life stages, from the time of my birth in 1973 through to the end of my incubation phase 1/3 in 2012.
MULTIMEDIA. Considering that the purpose of this Lifefolio is first and foremost to show the incidence, in terms of augmenting one’s reality, of a sustained exposition to various multimedia contents, each life stage is enriched by a photo album, an audiovisual playlist, and a diaporama to close the loop.
- Life project
- Funding
NETWORK EXPERIENCE. As the main goal to be achieved consists in presenting the principle of my web-sustained master-franchising solution, both in terms of conceptual systemics, and without compromising the specifications thereto, which will be introduced one module at a time, this second "Web project" blog proposes a (re)definition of the subject matter area in the form of a…return to square one!
AN AUTHOR’S TESTIMONY. This third page is conceived of as a continuation of the "Journey" blog, of which it develops the last stage (2000-2013) in the form of a return on experience pertaining to the instruction I initiated in late 2003 as part of incubation phase 1/3 thereto, with a view to obtaining a double guarantee of moral and financial recognition of the web franchising solution in development.
Before you take a closer look at this new remastered version 2.0/2017+, through the "Foreword" post which inaugurates each weblog of this website, I recommend you to continue this exploration with the remaining pages of level 1 (Multimedia and Navigation), which will help you to better assess the conceptual framing rationale inherent in this module.