Lifefolio V3.7/2024

Scientific Dimensions of the Self-Preservation of Species

Everything You Can (Already) Do For The System (Realize This!)

In the NetPlusUltra®-sustained future into which I am paving the way herewith, the formative years of an individual until the age of majority are all about learning to appropriate one’s own genetic potential. The progress of science is such that humankind has succeeded, through rigorous conceptual selection, to clean its genome of all diseases which were polluting it. Henceforth, a couple with the intention to procreate is invited to proceed to prior DNA analysis, in order to check if the child to be born will be healthy, and if not, is redirected to an alternative reproduction method.

Insofar as no one can be declared guilty of having been brought into this world, every child gets born into its own "unique conceptual declaration", which is an operational implementation of the universal declaration of human rights, i.e. the life project dashboard of which everyone becomes the citizen holder at the legal age of majority. Thanks to program NetPlusUltra® with its real-time correction of all forms of inequalities, the system does no longer generate self-reproductive aberrations resulting from sectarian incubation malpractice.

This conceptual dashboard, which both confirms and safeguards the holder's legitimacy, also monitors the investment fund that was provisioned at the holder's birth, and of which the latter becomes the administrator upon completion of his·her academic training. Indeed, in the same way as it managed to clean its genetic code and its democracy, humankind has developed a conceptual monetary framework which not only enables it to accurately forecast and provision its real needs, but also keeps it free from leaking buckets, black loopholes or litigation inflation, by the simple fact that the conceptual integrity thereof does not provide legal void for fraudulent speculation or insiders delicts.

This miracle at the nano-, micro- and macroeconomic levels is the result of the international implementation of the NetPlusUltra® web incubation formula, a master franchising solution administered by the foundation of its author, whose purpose it is to empower humankind to manage its resources sustainably, through the sale of end-user licences of its knowledge capitalization system. The latter provides for every franchised member's dashboard to aggregate into an universal spectroscopy of human knowledge, which is no less than humankind's knowledge base for making the right decisions.

Insofar as the independence of every franchised individual and entity depends on the sovereignty of the NetPlusUltra® formula as a genuine conceptual esperanto, the NetPlusUltra® incubation services are provided through a distribution grid of eight foundations (web platforms), which - operating from the concept core - matrix into an international NGO (infrastructure). This configuration ensures that the mother foundation, together with the seven subsidiaries through which it deploys its conceptual operations matrix - whereby each subsidiary is dedicated to one of humankind's seven civilizations - enjoy the same level of autonomy without which no genotypical form of cultural diversity whatsoever could ever express itself.

Conceptual integrity inside the NetPlusUltra® franchising system, i.e. the capacity of each part of the whole to survive itself, is guaranteed by the internal regulation whereby each and every creation (starting with the making of a baby) must be assessed through a prior feasibility simulation conceived so as to fuel the knowledge capitalization dynamics of the underlying self-learning organization towards ensuring that no one uselessly wastes his resources trying to escape a conceptual solutions radar which has no other purpose but to keep everyone free from want and in line with the system's requirements as regards the production of added value.

Unlike such societies which start to decline back to square one from the moment they begin to rest on their laurels, it is the permanent auditing rationale inherent in its organic growth that enables the NetPlusUltra® franchising system to constantly renew its capital of experience and experimentation, as the lifecycle of each individual unfolds within the generation to which it belongs. Far from being a future of boredom from knowing it all, NetPlusUltra® is a system which empowers each and everyone with the ability to meet every new challenge with self-surpassing respect.

Let us meet on PlanetPlusUltra®!

Dedicated Playlist
(To be developed 2019)

Issue 6Mission