Lifefolio V3.6/2023

Sanitary and Social Dimensions of Mental Health

Introduction to Systemic Analysis

Starting point of the self-assessment: structural anxiety fine-tuning itself in corporate environments, in the (preconscious) form of a (recurrent) symptom of a still unknown root cause.

The one recurrent clue which kept channeling my psychoanalytic work in the exit direction: a raw form of creative "recycling" talent, frustrated by the toxicity inherent in corporate life, and exclusively expressing itself towards independence, by fueling both a self-propelling sense of dissatisfaction and self-resolving intellectual bulimia in a relentless quest for the form of organization most suited to allow for such creativity to blossom.

At the micro- and macroeconomic levels, a permanent struggle against obsolete computer design embedded in systems themselves stuck in the midst of a major sectarian security shift, and incapable of accompanying change brought about and accelerated by profiles more adaptive, neuroplastic and demanding than ever without harassing them down to precariousness.

As a result, a period of disruption conducive to social innovation at large, which would open the way for "(re)creatively curative" self-guidance, for as far as I felt concerned at the time. I so much kept searching for the solution to my undefinable problem that I ended up realizing that I had it right between the eyes: an investigative bureau as over-informed as a stealth (data) carrier in search for larger spaces.

Cognitive dissonance leading back to its unknown root cause, feeding hyper-receptivity to all forms of close encounters of the third (sensorial or cultural) kind, and in doing so, paradoxically - i.e. by the very default of that same quality - fostering permanent self-reflexivity to the core of what it means "to be or not to be".

A memory stereoptically deployed across an audiovisual space-time matrix, which would reach its point of cognitive saturation (in June 2000) in the unexpected form of a digital decompensation (during an episode of acalculia), and progressively reprocess itself across the same self-reversed mnemonic scaffold by liberating an exhilarating curative imagination strangely ahead of its time.

This testimony is the return on experience (on stereoptical "double blind" experimentation) of a "precog" who ignored herself by default of having known, until her singular "state memory" (insofar as it locked itself in the mother's womb) crashed her through a mnemonic scaffold of her own making, opening the way (of the King's Cross) to cure, which would lead her from the biological deciphering of a genuine digital fortress (the hyper volumetry of the hypermnesiac) to the final diagnosis; the latter would confirm that the type of precognition which liberated me from that condition can be linked back to the pre-eclampsia (affecting 5% of births) from which I was born prematurely, 46 days before due birth date.

It is my legitimate author's right to tell you this story - my story - the way I saw it coming, which is why the present anamnesis report is dedicated to all those anonymous supporters who have bravely overcome this fundamental post-partum analysis with me!

Namefolio Playlist
(To be developed in 2019)

v1.1/2013Issue 2