Lifefolio V3.6/2023


Last But Not Least

This self-explaining directory is designed to enable franchised members to position themselves on a thematic index corresponding to one of the subject matter areas presented in the "Point Zero" foreword to v1.0/2013 of the present weblog (the cultural breakdown of membership figures, by civilization, will be operational at a later stage).

At this point, only one question shall apply: what kind of a concept profile are you?

The "" Profile Type

You are an individual seduced by the initiative, with or without a specific personal project in mind, who wishes to provide moral support by simply joining: I suggest you to start with a "life project website" (your resume wrapped in a readers' guide) provided through a shared web hosting solution, and to subscribe through the contact form.

On this 2 in 1 website, the .info part corresponds to the "Journey" blog of the English section, augmented with the photo albums and playlists of the "Multimedia" gallery.

The "" Profile Type

You are an established professional with a precise objective and a network of (possibly dedicated) relationships, seeking to support this initiative because you feel that something new might be helpful to your own endeavour: I suggest you to create your own dedicated project website (provided through a shared web hosting solution), and to get in touch through my contact form as the official spokesperson of your network (which will spare me this much admin work, considering that I am a self-employed manager working full-time as well!).

On this 2 in 1 website, the .net part corresponds to the "Web Project" blog of the English section, dedicated to the presentation of the web service in development.

The "" Profile Type

You are the manager of an existing organization (public or private, small or medium-sized) wishing to engage into a new kind of business venture, and/or to simply support the creation of mine: I suggest you to create your own dedicated project website (provided through a shared web hosting solution), and to register as a sponsor using my contact form.

Upon validation of your subscription, you will appear in the subject matter directory of prospective members who adhere to the present vision of how a network should be conceptually secured.

Phase 6Indexes