Lifefolio V3.6/2023

Taking Part

High stakes, new rules. As we have seen throughout the beta 1 instruction phase: without a dedicated website, no reciprocal transparency; without consistency in sharing efforts, no admission, i.e. no guarantee of a future recognition; without conceptual engagement, no funding, because there is nobody to put money into a legal flaw doomed to remain nothing but a sectarian black hole! In short: without a minimum of self-discipline, no participatory democracy worthy of that name can grow!

The European code of intellectual property behaves pretty much like the rules of the road, except that the first could provide for much faster space-time travel: without a driver's licence, no road safety, and hence, no access to the motorway network which provides for the joint management of travel risks, as it is supposed to lead us to destination as safely as possible. Of course, you could still rely on the bike, take the bus, the train or the plane, but then you would have to admit that in terms of socio-economic mobility, the internet should provide for much faster advancement!

In other words: to the extent that each author's website is dedicated to a specific objective, whose perimeter it frames, the registration of a prospective member with a given website (i.e. his·her commitment to that specific objective) will help to prevent a dilution of individual and collective efforts until my web service is finally operational, i.e. accessible, provided that each such dedicated website is directly - or indirectly over another duly pre-registered member - linked to the network's alpha website, which is none other than the professional RSS dashboard of which I am the provider, as the author and space architect of the whole initiative.

To put it clearly: even if we are just at the beginning of this beta 2 process, the formula can already be used to prepare the ground for self-regulation, in terms of the future strategic implementation of the network's macro-objective (the economic purpose thereof) into specific actions at the local level, across the conceptual matrix which my feasibility audit in progress is meant to bring about.

Each self-disciplined author who takes his·her work seriously needs to know whom s·he can count on! And as a first step, I suggest we should get (re)acquainted properly. Then, at a later stage, the fee-for-service access to my finished product (i.e. to my conceptual web incubation services) will take over at, which, for users who pre-registered through my professional RSS dashboard, will translate into a simple redirection notification (or into unsubscription).

Phase 5Forum 4.0