Lifefolio V3.6/2023

Food for Blog Feeds

Network News

What does it take to inform the members of a network of what is going on therein, without turning the exercise into a second full-time job?Continue reading


All Networks are in the Formula!

The major problem with social networks is that users all too often forget that their primary purpose is to enable the exchange of personal information (documents, holiday pictures, music, videos, etc.), which is supposed to happen during leisure time.Continue reading

Categories + Tags = Indexes

The Knowledge Base for Decision-Making

The main subject matter areas which define the NetPlusUltra® systemic approach to capitalization aggregate into a conceptual spectroscopy of knowledge through the master-franchising system's dedicated forum-directories:Continue reading


Last But Not Least

This self-explaining directory is designed to enable franchised members to position themselves on a thematic index corresponding to one of the subject matter areas presented in the "Point Zero" foreword to v1.0/2013 of the present weblog (the cultural breakdown of membership figures, by civilization, will be operational at a later stage).

At this point, only one question shall apply: what kind of a concept profile are you?Continue reading

Taking Part

High stakes, new rules. As we have seen throughout the beta 1 instruction phase: without a dedicated website, no reciprocal transparency; without consistency in sharing efforts, no admission, i.e. no guarantee of a future recognition; without conceptual engagement, no funding, because there is nobody to put money into a legal flaw doomed to remain nothing but a sectarian black hole! In short: without a minimum of self-discipline, no participatory democracy worthy of that name can grow!Continue reading


What is the benefit of affiliation? The purpose of a network lies in the benefit that its members gain from pooling their experiences in order to achieve their common goal.Continue reading

Introducing Oneself

Why is a dedicated website so important? Because as a project communications support tool (at the generic level), it is designed to implement the reciprocity principle throughout the network:Continue reading

Target Audience

For whom is this initiative intended? For such internet users who are:

  1. convinced that the internet still holds an incredible (though de facto still largely undermined) transformation potential,
  2. aware that the whole enterprise is stuck in the structural default of its own conceptual incompleteness,
  3. willing to support the idea that European intellectual property codex is a simple matter of common sense, a body of knowledge as self-evident as the rules of the road.
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As an independent web entrepreneur concerned with the integrity of her system (i.e. the conceptual waterproofness thereof), I needed a simple and flexible solution to develop my web project communications, i.e. a web service which would be operational without the need to install third-party apps and other extensions of the type to multiply interfaces.Continue reading

Starting Over

As you might have understood, the famous formula to which this website is dedicated is designed to rethinking it all, starting's own internet configuration!

If, like me, you just don't see the benefit of social networks which:

  1. force the user to "spread it all over" by multiplying connection profiles, since there are always shortcomings, which - on top of that - is on purpose,
  2. offer no security in comparison with a well-managed personal computer, and no added-value as compared to a properly designed website such as this one,
  3. are simply not conceived to meet the requirements of independent cyberworkers, since all these flaws end up holding the user captive, which is no coincidence either,
...I can only encourage you to join me in this initiative, since I will need a lot of convinced (i.e. disappointed 2.0) users to help me prove that this formula, which proposes a conceptual revision of the European code of intellectual property towards added-value, can bring about a better network experience for all.Continue reading

A Certain Idea of Networking


Intellectual property is everyone's business! If this journey to the farthest reaches of the connectome helped you set the record straight, and if the future of this project matters to you, I'd like to invite you to introduce yourself. The sooner the better.

To empower you to make up your mind with full knowledge of the facts, I suggest you to start by considering the general and specific terms of use to which this blog is dedicated.

Let us begin with a brief presentation of the major subject matter areas which define the NetPlusUltra® approach to systemics:Continue reading