Lifefolio V3.7/2024


What is the benefit of affiliation? The purpose of a network lies in the benefit that its members gain from pooling their experiences in order to achieve their common goal.

Considering that the present web project aims at redeploying the internet by the European rule of intellectual property (no less, indeed), the benefit of affiliation lies in the guarantees that the franchise principle will provide in terms of the recognition of an author's moral and financial rights to sustain a living from his·her productions, starting with the Netfolio modules as the franchised member's basis for capitalization.

More specifically: European law concedes the author a double property right (moral and financial) over his·her creation, even unfinished, with no requirement for formal registration whatsoever. But in order to enjoy this double right to be recognized as the author and to sustain a living from your production, certain conditions have to be met:

  1. you have to be able to prove that you are the legitimate author,
  2. the work over which you claim the recognition of your intellectual property rights has to provide some form of added value,
  3. to give your supply a chance to meet its demand,
...which quickly becomes unmanageable, considering the prevailing sectarian interpenetration of 2.0 systems permeable to viruses and other leaks pre-coded to collect our ideas at the source by dumbing us all straight down into idiocracy...for the sake of Big Browser.

This legal flaw is precisely the core issue around which I developed my incubation formula, since the latter is conceived so as to provide a virtual production framework for good ideas to materialize into added value, by securing interfaces along the win-win safeguard rationale (as opposed to the lose-lose bypass logic that some people follow all too irrationally).

In terms of emulation and funding, the general and particular benefit of building a web franchising network entirely dedicated to this knowledge capitalization endeavour, i.e. grounded in the European intellectual property codex conceptualized towards added value (i.e. sustainable development), takes its full significance.

Phase 4Phase 6